
Most of the time the colour of the sky is the most beautiful thing in the world
But sometimes it turns so dark
So dark I can’t find my way out
I can’t see what happens around me
I can’t hear the wonderful sound of the wind

When everything turns dark I don’t know where to turn
I don’t know which way to go to find the colours
I don’t know which road to choose to turn on the lights again

Sometimes I just want to lie down and wait for the darkness to disappear
I just want to huddle up in a corner, close my eyes and when I open them up again
All the colours of the sky will be back
I will see what happens around me
I will hear the sound of the wind

I hope tomorrow I can see the sky again
I hope that tomorrow is the day that I find the right road
The road that leads to the colours
The road that turns on the lights

Because this darkness is starting to scare me…


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